Limbisch system function system is like the chief orchestrator of all our hormonal, chemical, and emotional responses. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to function the way we do. It’s made up of 5 primary structures and a few different substructures within some of those elements, including the cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, amygdalae, and hypothalamus.
Limbic system function is centered around emotions, but also influences memory, learning, motivation and bodily functions like hunger and sex drive. It is a collection of brain structures that are considered more primitive (we call it the “paleocortex” or “archicortex”) than the newer parts of the cortex. These structures have many connections with each other and with the hypothalamus and the neocortex. This creates a hierarchy where the older limbic structures can influence hormone regulation and other autonomic body functions.
Unveiling the Functions of the Limbic System: Understanding Emotion and Memory
The hippocampus and amygdala are particularly important for emotional reactions. They help us remember and attach emotion to memories, as well as help regulate the fight or flight response. This system is often activated in times of fear, stress or danger and can send signals to the adrenal glands to release epinephrine and other hormones that can raise blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow to muscles and organs. This is how the body responds to short-term threats and can be life-saving in the short term.
The limbic system is also responsible for our instincts and the way we detect information. It is why we tend to notice negative things first and have a hard time remembering the good things that happen to us. This is why it is so important to practice gratitude, self-care and calming activities.